Golden Rule Karate Tournament Washington, NJ

16th Annual Karate Tournament on February 16, 2020! Date: February 16th 2020 Doors open at 9:00 AM Demo Team 10:00 AM Black Belt Meeting 10:30 AM Bow in at 11:00 AM Location: Warren Hills Regional High School 41 Jackson Valley Road Washington, NJ 07882

Jeff Whatton
4 min readFeb 5, 2020

Golden Rule Karate and Fitness would like to extend an invitation to you to our

16th Annual Karate Tournament on February 16, 2020!

Date: February 16th 2020

Doors open at 9:00 AM

Demo Team 10:00 AM

Black Belt Meeting 10:30 AMBow in at 11:00 AMLocation:Warren Hills Regional High School41 Jackson Valley RoadWashington, NJ 07882For everyone that has attended before, thank you for your support. For anyone attending for your first time, here are a few things you should know. We start on time. Un-sportsman-like conduct will not be tolerated. Only staff, judges, competitors, and staged competitors are allowed on the competition floor. This makes for a safer and smoother running event. We have 1st — 4th place trophies for each of the three main competition events. We also have three male and three female Grand Champion trophies 13–15-year old, 16–17-year old and 18 and up. New for 2018 is the empty hand kata Grand Championship. Male and Female competitors will be combined for this. The age brackets will be the same as the Kumite Grand Championship.If you or any of your students are able to attend, it is strongly recommended that you pre-register. This will not only save some money for the entrant, but it will also help us better organize the event. To pre-register, simply copy and complete the attached registration form and mail it to our dojo here in Oxford. You can also register on our website at If you choose the mail method, please make sure you have signed the form and made the check payable to Golden Rule Karate.​This is a NO contact to the face tournament with all rings having five judges. All competitors are required to wear their school’s traditional uniform. No one without a gi will be allowed on the competition floor. All competitors participating in kumite must wear a complete set of equipment, which includes: mouthpiece, headgear, footgear (must cover toes) and hand gear (must cover fingers). Male competitors must wear a protective cup! Competitor must be properly equipped before their match begins. Failure to be properly equipped may result in disqualification. Absolutely no coaching will be allowed and will result in disqualification of the competitor.All food and drinks purchased at our tournament will directly benefit Project Graduation. This is an event directly following the graduation of this year’s senior class of Warren Hills Regional High School. Your support will be greatly appreciated.Also, we are having our tournament official’s dinner on January 18th, 2020. Any Black Belts that are interested and willing to help out with the judging are invited to attend this event. Please RSVP as soon as possible so we have a proper head count.These rules are for the safety of all competitors and will be strictly enforced. If there are any questions, please contact me here at (908) 453–2129.Tournament RulesTournament Rules 2020General Rules of ConductProper martial arts uniforms are required to be worn by both competitors and judges. The attire must be neat and clean.Judges’ decisions are final.Only black belts that understand the rules will be permitted to judge.Coaching of any competitor in the ring is not permitted, and may lead to disqualification.Spectators are not permitted on the competition floor.Failure to abide by the rules may result in disqualification and ejection. All disputes are to be taken to the designated arbitrator.Kata/Form RulesEach ring will have five judges. The minimum possible points awarded to a competitor is 30; the maximum is 40. Each judge will score in a range from 6 to 8 points, with partial points of .1, .3, .5, .7 and .9.Kata will be judged on precision of stance, technique, power, intensity, and fluidity of movement.Competitors must approach judges, bow and present themselves, then move back into the ring to begin. Upon completion of kata, the first three competitors will bow out of the ring, to be called back for scoring after the third kata. Each subsequent competitor will be scored upon completion of his or her kata.For summation of final score, the high and low score of each competitor will be dropped from the total. In the event of a tie, the lowest score will be added back in first. If tie remains; do the same with the highest. If there is still a tie, the affected competitors will perform a tiebreaker.In weapons kata if a weapon is dropped or malfunctions the competitor may continue if possible, but will be awarded the lowest possible score.All 1st place empty hand winners 13 years of age and over will have the opportunity to compete in a Grand Champion division. The two lowest ranks in each age division will face off first. The loser is done the winner stays and goes against the next rank. There will be no break between matches. If there is a returning grand champion they will go last. Novice requires 1 form. Intermediate 2 forms, and advanced 3 forms.Registration —



Jeff Whatton
Jeff Whatton

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