How To Shop Local In A Global Economy — 6 Homemade Tips For Finding What You Need In Your Own Neighborhood

Jeff Whatton
3 min readNov 29, 2021

Shop local — it’s a message we’ve all heard a million times, and for good reason.

With the economy everywhere turned upside-down recently, it’s even more important than usual that we support our communities.

It’s not always as easy as it could be, though — and it can be hard to get into the routine.

Photo by Breno Assis on Unsplash

Finding the right goods and services can be a bit tricky too, but with a little exploring, you can find a lot of what you need in your own neighborhood.

Some organizations have even gone so far as to compile handy local guides to help you find what you’re looking for.

Here are a few fast tips that can help.

1. Supermarket Success

You probably already spend a fair amount of time at a local supermarket, but have you taken the time to see if they have a section for locally produced goods?

Not all supermarkets do — but if you have the option, it’s a good way to support your community without going out of your way at all.

2. Roadside Refreshment

How often do you see a small roadside vendor or shop that’s selling fresh eggs, produce, or other goods?

Have you stopped to take a look, or do you think “some other time,” and drive right past?

Take a minute to check the place out — you might be surprised at what’s available.

3. Community Companion

Some tight-knit communities have released guidebooks to shopping local, in partnership with neighborhood businesses.

If there’s a community shopping guide for your area, pick one up or visit the website.

You’ll find some stores you may not have known existed, and all of them nearby.

4. Neighborhood Agriculture

Your neighborhood may have a CSA, a community-supported agriculture program.

If it does, you should get involved right away — if you want the freshest veggies around.

Each program is a little different, but usually they involve paying a small lump sum at the beginning of the growing season in exchange for weekly fresh veggies.

5. Optimize Opportunities

Unless you’re a scheduling genius who can’t stand wasted minutes, you probably have a few spare moments here and there as you go about your day.

It might be when you pick the kids up — or waiting for a bus after work.

Why not take those few minutes and use them to explore a local business you would otherwise just walk on past?

6. Ask Around

Sometimes the best way to find a service or product you’re looking for locally is just to ask.

Friends, family, or community businesses are all great places to ask for suggestions — and it starts a conversation about shopping local that may encourage others to do the same.

You don’t have to buy everything you’ll ever need from within a 10 miles radius of your house — but it sure would be neat to try.

Next time you’re ready for some shopping, pick up a local community guide, check out a roadside stop, or just ask someone for suggestions.

You’ll get the freshest products around, and support your community.

It’s a win-win.

