Interact Better With Others By Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself: Here’s How!
Are you an introvert who is struggling in the area of human interactions? I know exactly how that feels. You want to contribute to making the world around you a better place through your interactions, but at the same time, your lack of people skills screams louder than your desires.
Or perhaps you’re an extrovert who needs help with making a great first impression. Whether it be on your job, in your social life, or even with strangers, we all at some point find ourselves falling short in our interactions.
I’m here to tell you that there’s hope. Yes, even for you the introvert! All that’s needed is for you to try these things and you will be well on your way to being the best version of you that you want to offer to others.
- Spend time getting to know you — Make a special effort to examine your daily thoughts and outlook on life. Once you can weed out the negatives, the positives are bound to surface with ease and make your interactions better.
- Practice makes perfect! — Whether you decide to do it in front of the mirror, with your favorite stuffed animal, your pet, or even a family member, practicing your approach techniques helps with making a lasting positive impression on those you interact within the real world. This is especially helpful for you if you are withdrawn, as it boosts your confidence.
- Seek professional help — When all else fails, it’s always good to seek professional help. It can be in the form of a counselor, a mentor, a life coach, or even a manual/handbook. For me personally, since I’m more on the introverted side, I chose to get a personal transformational self-help book ( Beyond the First Impression : How to Lead Well, Communicate Better & Build Exceptional Relationships by Kerry O’ Hallaron). It helped me to discover the more influential and charismatic version of myself!
One author puts the importance of managing and improving our human interactions this way, “the world is changing, but people are the same… Today more than ever, those who develop expert skills in the art of dealing with people survive and thrive”.
We all know this to be a fact. It’s up to us to decide whether we want to be part of the percentage that seeks to make the world a better place or if we’re gonna just sit and watch the opportunities slip through our fingers.
Now, there are many other steps that you can take to bettering your human interactions. You need only make the effort to search and work on yourself. I do hope that I was able to help you with my three tips!