Safety First: Don’t Allow Your Disinfectant To Kill You

Jeff Whatton
3 min readJul 25, 2020

Is it just me, or has everyone turned into a clean freak in 2020? We are focused now more than ever on keeping bacteria and viruses at bay that we are using more hand sanitizer than we have in our entire lives, wiping down countertops every half hour, washing our hands like our lives depended on it — literally.

In doing all of this, however, we need to ask ourselves one very important question: are the products we are using doing more harm than good?

Yes, that’s right the products we are using may be harming our bodies more than they are protecting it.

Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash

Think about it, there has been an increase in demand for cleaning and disinfectant products because of the pandemic. This demand comes at a time when many countries have closed their borders and many suppliers are falling short of the much needed products. Some companies who are only focused on making a profit may try to cut costs and sell products that are not up to the right standards.

This can pose serious problems for the consumer such as:

  1. Being cornered into purchasing products that are not of a good quality
  2. Purchasing products at prices that are way too expensive
  3. Not being able to purchase products because they are sold out

So, it is up to you to ensure that you are getting good quality products that are safe for your physical use as well as on the environment.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Here are some things to look for when choosing cleaning products:

  • Germ and virus killing ability

Remember, you are trying to stay safe and healthy. If you are going to be using a disinfectant, for example, ensure that it can kill at least 99% percent of germs or viruses. Can you imagine using a disinfectant that only kills 50% of germs? What are the other 50% doing? I’ll tell you: having a party on your countertops waiting to latch on to your hands and make you sick!

  • Chemical composition

Yes, you want to kill bacteria and viruses, but you do not want to kill yourself or others in the process. Look for something that is made with natural ingredients, safe to use in your home, and one that would not compromise your immune system but help it in fighting off diseases. Also, keep the environment in mind — eco-friendly is the way to go.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash
  • Smell

You might think that all disinfectants have to smell awful or have that hospital like smell. That’s not true. Some disinfectants smell really nice and some are odorless so that your home is not left with an obnoxious odor.

  • Multipurpose

Go for a disinfectant that has multiple uses. For example, one that can be used in your home, your car, and other surfaces. This will save you time and money.

Your health and safety, as well as the health and safety of those around you, is very important. In keeping your surroundings clean, remember to use products that won’t kill you!

