Would You Survive A Mind Control Pandemic? 3 Steps You Should Take To Stay Alive!

Jeff Whatton
3 min readAug 28, 2020


Covid-19 is currently ravishing the world, and when it’s done — nothing will be the same. Some of us have gotten the bitter end of 2020. We have lost loved ones and our livelihoods.

For many, clubs, bars and restaurants were a safe haven and home was the earthly incarnation of hell! With no place to turn to, they’ve had to face their demons. As a result — some are either stronger than ever or more tormented than ever before.

Covid-19 has really done a number on us.

What if this virus was mind control? What if instead of lung damage, the result of infection was amnesia?

Photo by Armin Lotfi on Unsplash

Imagine a disease that causes people to do things against their will — and then erase all memory of those activities? What if this disease encouraged its victims to commit suicide? How would you survive?

The following are three steps you could take to stay alive!

Stay clear of social media

If something needed to be transmitted across the world, social media would be the first outlet! If this is mind control or psychological disease, then it would have to present itself in a way that will stimulate your brain to gain access to your body.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Your sense of sight and sound are two of the main contributors to cognitive function. Guarding against these are essential to your survival. Social media with all of its videos, high-quality pictures, and gifs would leave you wide open to infection.

Stay clear of music streaming sites

As said before, the sense of sound is a critical component in cognitive function, but music is a different kettle of fish. Studies show that music has the power to influence behaviors in a very rapid way. Most popular culture is filtered through music, and the rapidly changing ways of human interaction across the years would not have been accomplished without it. Staying clear of music sites would prevent you from being infected by the virus.

Only read the newspaper for news

The news sources might be the easiest way to transmit the disease — especially to the older generation. Young people don’t usually look at the news broadcast, but that is a staple among people 40 years old and above. If someone was trying to control the world. They’d probably start with the older generation, cause panic, and then catch the younger generation off guard! Using the newspaper as your only news supply might be the best way to stay updated and safe amidst the pandemic.

Photo by Norbert Kundrak on Unsplash

If the year 2020 is anything to go by, then we know that we can’t predict what’s going to happen next! So far, the Simpsons have been right on the money with their predictions, and the only thing they are yet to be right about — is a zombie apocalypse.

If this type of theoretical thinking is something you like, then this thriller is a must-read!



Jeff Whatton
Jeff Whatton

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